“She tried to save herself from the world and lost her soul in her home”

Untold Stories


We live in a world, where we hear tragic stories every single day. But unfortunately, there are some stories which never made their way to the headlines. These stories take place behind the walls of our honorable and respectable homes. These stories belong to the ones who are living every single moment of their lives for the saving grace of their families. And yet end up losing their lives disgracefully by the so-called protectors of their families. Yes, I am talking about the ones which by default of their gender are still deprived of their basic rights as a human. These souls have so many untold stories graved in their hearts, stories of their self at war, stories of their emotions break down, stories behind the scars on their skin and stories of the time when their presence wiped into the thin air. But nobody talks about them and nobody is there to protect them.

Her Presence Means

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She was always told, she should not suppose to go alone outside, it’s not safe out there. But what about the dangers she is dealing within inside. Yes inside of her home. Unsafe by the men of her family. Tortured for the sake of the egoistic nature. Raised under the boundaries of the notion that ( nahi log kaya kahien gai) no what people would say. And all along she questioned herself, who is she, what’s her presence means, is she alive to please everyone around her or to live her life selfless as per the purpose tailored for her. She struggled to find the answers to her misery, but she gives up with a sigh and the realization that all this time she was trying to save herself from the outside world but she lost her soul in her home. Because that’s where she keeps her guards down and her presence means nothing other than the burden of life.

Devils Inside Our Homesunnamed (2)

Yes, I know that we have been told we should protect ourselves from the devils in our society. We should not stay outside late at night. We shouldn’t dress immodestly. We shouldn’t talk in a friendly way with the strangers. And maybe we shouldn’t even breadth because that might be offensive to somebody. But my only concern is what about the devils inside our homes, what about those familiar hands that try to reach us without our consent, and what about the violence we face because the meal wasn’t warm enough. Nobody tells us how to deal with that.

32 thoughts on ““She tried to save herself from the world and lost her soul in her home”

  1. Fariha says:

    It is a bitter truth, such incidents do happen and are unreported/ unsaid tragic stories.
    May GOD guide us through it & we humans learn to respect, nourish & liberate each other… Amen

    Liked by 2 people

    • Rameen says:

      Sumameen…You’re absolutely right Fariha, I feel the same that if we can just put everything aside and start giving respect to each other as humans. It would really make a big difference in our society.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Wanderer says:

    This violence against women happen literally everywhere regardless of how rich or poor you are. I have seen ladies wearing 50000 ka joras getting beaten up by their husbands and I have seen maids getting beaten up by their sons or husbands just because they refuse to give them money for drugs or alcohol. The more I grew up the more I saw how unbelievably unfair our society is.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Rameen says:

      Ahhh that’s so true, you know when I was young I used to thought that domestic violence is something which is merely associated with illiteracy or lack of awareness but now from where I can see it’s something which is literally depends upon how we are raising our men. Especially the role of fathers in the families is the ultimate stimulus to such kind of behaviour in men. And that is nearly impossible to change because this type of aggressive psyche has been in our society since ages and it’s always going to be remain here no matter what. And unfortunately there is no way to change it anytime soon.


      • Wanderer says:

        True. But many women also support this. Mothers treating their sons differently and not teaching them to do kitchen chores. Whereas, girls are expected to know how to cook and clean the house and mother in laws being cruel to their daughter in laws. The women also need to change and go against this cruel system.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Rameen says:

        Couldn’t agree more with you on this that’s also an another mindset which has to be changed. Difference of behaviour because of the gender always bothered me so much. It’s definitely set the background behind so many problems which women have to face at home or even in the outside world.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. The Thinker's Cauldron says:

    This was so true unfortunately, the problem is our society is shaped up on stereotypes and biases, some people don’t even consider women to be humans. This is very saddening, may Allah keep watch over all sisters, mothers and daughters. By the way i was glad to see you writing in hindi/urdu, where are you from? Pakistan? India?

    Liked by 2 people

    • Rameen says:

      Yes indeed I agree with you, our society certainly moves in the light of such stereotypes where women are not even considered as human. And I think another reason behind this unfortunate ideology is this that people which are involved in domestic violence don’t consider it as a bad thing or something they should be ashamed of. So unless they realized the fact that there is something wrong with their actions. They would not make the courage to change themselves. And this suffering would not stop. Alas, but thank you so much for your kind words. Knowing individuals like you which have this level of insight on such issues gives me hope. Respect for you. And yes I’m from Pakistan.


      • The Thinker's Cauldron says:

        My pleasure, truly humbled that you think so highly of me, the honor is all mine. You are a good soul and a very talented fellow writer, i feel lucky to be your fellow blogger. You are a true example of the strength of women, Pakistan and the world needs women like you. You have my utmost respect and gratitude. I think you have just made my month. Cool, a fellow Pakistani, I am from Lahore by the way. Bless you Rameen ⚘❀

        Liked by 1 person

      • Rameen says:

        I am extremely flattered by your words of encouragement it means a lot to me. And I really appreciate your support. (Bohat shukriya). You are from lahore then this means that we both are from the same city. (Itifaq sai).


  4. Pavan Athreyas says:

    Home isn’t called “Home” if isn’t safe. The truth is that the Devils are all around this place. Things should get better soon. Let’s just hope for the best to happen and also work on it to make the world a better place to live in.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. efge63 says:

    I am sorry for this…..

    A disturbing yet accurate statistic says that 1 out of 4 women experience the horrific domestic violence in their lifetime.

    There are many laws against this but the real change will happen only when we take initiative on our own to address this burning issue.

    Women must be treated with respect and dignity and they must be given their personal space and the freedom that they rightly deserve from their counterparts.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Rameen says:

    You are absolutely right, girls should be strong enough to make the courage to protect themselves. Thank you for reading my post. It’s very insightful to know that my readers are so eloquent about such issues.


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